
Committee of Economic Affairs and Climate policy, Committee debate on Innovation

VERSLAG VAN EEN COMMISSIEDEBAT - Vastgesteld 15 juni 2022

De vaste commissie voor Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft op 25 mei 2022 overleg gevoerd met mevrouw Adriaansens, Minister van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. De heer Amhaouch (CDA) stelde daar twee vragen over octrooien, IP’s en patenten: "Voorzitter, ik heb nog twee concrete punten over octrooien, IP’s en patenten. Nederland is daar heel sterk in. Maar om een gelijk speelveld in Europa te hebben, moeten we aansluiten bij onze Belgische en Duitse buren. Wij ontvangen signalen dat in België en Duitsland heel anders wordt omgegaan met de proportionaliteitstoets om te kijken of een IP of een octrooi helemaal afgeschermd kan worden. Nederland schiet daarin door: op alles wordt gezegd dat het een inbreuk is. Wij vragen de Minister om de proportionaliteitstoets die door de Europese wetgeving is voorgeschreven, op te nemen in de Rijksoctrooiwet. Dit is niet alleen belangrijk voor een gelijk speelveld met onze Duitse en Belgische buren, maar ook om onze grote maatschappelijke opgave mogelijk te maken. 


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More work needed to improve public access to UPC patent case documents

Last month a law firm submitted a request for documents under rule 262.1 (b) of the UPC Rules of Procedure, which ensures that written pleadings and evidence in patent litigation proceedings are available to the public “upon reasoned request.” The firm is calling on the central division of the Unified Patent Court in Munich to make available all written pleadings and evidence for a pending case in the court. The aim of the law firm, Mathys & Squire, is to establish a clear and consistent path for the public to access these documents in the future. IP2Innovate fully supports this initiative. We have been campaigning for more transparency in patent litigation for many years, and welcomed the improvement to the status quo that the UPC’s rules promised.

Prof. Sikorski’s latest paper: IPRED needs targeted reforms to strengthen the principle of proportionality in patent litigation

There is broad agreement on the need for taking proportionality considerations into account in patent litigation cases but it’s not being applied in the courts in Europe. As a result, injunctions are being handed out automatically in almost all cases, even though EU legislation – the IP Rights Enforcement Directive (IPRED) – specifically calls for judges to apply proportionality. IPRED needs targeted amendments in order to correct this. In his paper titled Permanent Injunctions and the Reception of the Principle of Proportionality in the European Union, Rafal Sikorski, assistant professor, Chair of European Law at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan in Poland, calls for reform of the directive. “The EU should consider introducing a set of factors to IPRED that the courts should consider when applying proportionality. In fact, this approach has already been taken by the EU legislator in the Trade Secrets Directive,” Professor Sikorski said in an interview.

The UPC - an opportunity to get Europe’s patents house in order

With Austria signed up, the Unified Patent Court agreement has now been ratified by the required 13 member countries. The dream of forging one single patent jurisdiction for Europe is on course to become a reality, after decades of uncertainty.
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