Super minister with execution issues: Lambrecht is running out of time on important projects

Shortly before the summer break, the CDU/CSU and SPD are aiming to finalise some unfinished coalition projects. One such project is reform of the German patent law.
IP2Innovate, which represents, among others, Adidas, BMW, Daimler, Deutsche Telekom and SAP, believes that effective modernization of German patent law is overdue, but possible. "Passing the law before the end of this legislative period is absolutely necessary to avert further damage to innovation, competitiveness and employment in Germany" - Ludwig von Reiche, IP2I Board Member, told Handelsblatt.
Other press coverage
European courts failing over proportionality: IP2Innovate
Trade group IP2Innovate has warned that courts across Europe are failing to consider proportionality in patent cases, while urging the European Commission to promote similar reforms to those recently enacted in Germany.
Managing IP
UPC take-up likely to be poor, say industry counsel
In its article on whether companies are likely to make use of the Unified Patent Court (UPC), Managing IP reports that implementers see the enforcement associated with the unitary patent as more of a threat than an opportunity due to the enormous number of applicable patents and therefore likely lawsuits for their infringement and associated defense.
Industriekoalition IP2Innovate fordert Patentrechtsreform zur Förderung von Innovation in Deutschland
Das Patentrecht ist ein wesentlicher Eckpfeiler für Innovation und – damit verbunden – für nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum. Es kann dieser Rolle allerdings nur gerecht werden, wenn es die Entwicklung und das Inverkehrbringen komplexer, multifunktionaler Hightech-Produkte wie Autos, Telefone und medizinische Geräte unterstützt. Dies tut das deutsche Patentrecht derzeit nicht! Hauptmangel: Unterlassungsklagen werden automatisch erlassen, ohne alternative, geeignetere Rechtsmittel zu prüfen. Diese Situation schadet der deutschen Industrie.