
The UPC: time to get Europe’s house in order

"Judges at the incoming court must consider the threat posed by patent assertion entities, comments Patrick Oliver of patent owners’ coalition IP2Innovate", wites World IP Review.



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Contrary to EU law, courts across Europe consistently fail to consider proportionality in patent cases, new data reveals

BRUSSELS, 25 November 2021 – Between 2018 and 2020, courts in nine EU member states plus the UK and Norway, handed out injunctions automatically in 98% of patent cases in which an infringement was found, according to data sourced from Darts-ip, a Clarivate IP intelligence solution.

IP2Innovate welcomes the call by CDU/CSU to introduce a proportionality test in the German Patent Act to better protect innovators against patent trolls

In a recent  the German Conservatives (CDU/CSU) Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker and Ingmar Jung express concerns over abusive litigation practices by patent trolls, which distort the market and undermine Germany’s attractiveness as a business location. They note that in light of the high complexity of modern products, companies can no longer completely rule out the possibility of patent infringements. In this context, an unlimited right to injunctive relief create unwarranted leverage for patent trolls who buy up patents only to assert them against companies and extract disproportionately high settlements. Solutions proposed by CDU/CSU are the introduction of a proportionality test in the German Patent Act as well as a synchronisation of infringement and nullity proceedings.
Managing IP

NPEs set sights on UPC and more patent acquisition - Blackbird, Dominion Harbor, Acacia, and Harfang IP say the market is hot for patent acquisitions and that litigation opportunities could soon emerge in Europe

Managing IP’s article outlining the views of Non-Practicing Entities (NPEs) on the Unified Patent Court (UPC) points out that several NPEs are gearing up for the launch of the UPC in the following months because the UPC’s centralised system “would make Europe a much easier place to litigate”. NPEs also argue that UPC would provide for another way to litigate in a “market comparable to China or the US”.
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