JUVE Patent blog

Patent law reform: Bundestag introduces principle of proportionality

The new patent law adopted last Friday in Germany puts a stop to the use of injunctive relief by Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs). “We also welcome the German parliament’s diligent effort in the context of the new law to explicitly proscribe the practice of Patent Assertion Entities (also known as patent trolls) who acquire patents purely for the purpose of extorting excessive settlements under the threat of an impending injunction.”, told Ludwig von Reiche, IP2Innovate's board member, JUVE Patent. 



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Patrick Oliver

Statement in response to publication of the European Commission’s IP Action Plan

IP2Innovate welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to improve the IP landscape in Europe, in particular the emphasis on ensuring that the proportionality requirement in the granting of injunctions is met. However, the IP Action Plan outlined today needs to go further to address continuing abuses of the patent system.

L’UE face au fléau des «chasseurs de brevets»

Some companies are worried about the spread of the patent troll phenomenon in Europe. Some have even sent a letter to Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for Industry, calling for a “balanced approach to intellectual property and measures against non-practicing entities (NPE): legal person with no activity known as Patent Troll”.

Industriekoalition IP2Innovate fordert Patentrechtsreform zur Förderung von Innovation in Deutschland

Das Patentrecht ist ein wesentlicher Eckpfeiler für Innovation und – damit verbunden – für nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum. Es kann dieser Rolle allerdings nur gerecht werden, wenn es die Entwicklung und das Inverkehrbringen komplexer, multifunktionaler Hightech-Produkte wie Autos, Telefone und medizinische Geräte unterstützt. Dies tut das deutsche Patentrecht derzeit nicht! Hauptmangel: Unterlassungsklagen werden automatisch erlassen, ohne alternative, geeignetere Rechtsmittel zu prüfen. Diese Situation schadet der deutschen Industrie.
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