Managing IP
US firms prioritise Europe as UPC countdown begins
In the recent article of Managing IP, examining future enforcement of EU patent law by the Unified Patent Court (UPC), Katalin Lubóczki, coordinator of the UPC Working Group responsible for finalising the training plan for UPC judges emphasises that proportionality will be an important principle in UPC jurisprudence. In terms of training for UPC judges, she adds that the training on the rules of procedure, in particular, will elaborate on the importance of the principle of proportionality.
Other press coverage
Patrick Oliver
Patent law reform strengthens Germany as a location for innovation; Europe needs to follow suit to enhance its competitiveness
Berlin, June 11th 2021 - The Bundestag today adopted legislation to modernise German patent law. The changes are an important step towards creating a better balance between patent protection and innovation protection. European patent law needs to follow Germany’s lead.
Super minister with execution issues: Lambrecht is running out of time on important projects
Shortly before the summer break, the CDU/CSU and SPD are aiming to finalise some unfinished coalition projects. One such project is reform of the German patent law.
Ministerin Lambrecht will rigider gegen „Patenttrolle“ vorgehen
Die Bundesjustizministerin will das Patentrecht modernisieren – und zwar stärker als noch in einem ersten Diskussionsentwurf angekündigt.