L’Europe menacée par les «chasseurs de brevets»?

Patent trolls irritates European companies who fear that these companies will develop under new Community rules.
Other press coverage
Brussels – EU common patent gets boost from bloc’s industry boss after decades of delays.
IP lobby group IP2Innovate, which includes Daimler, BMW and Intel, said it shares Breton’s view that the patent system needs to be adapted to the digital age and needs a single EU patent.
Patrick Oliver
Statement in response to publication of the European Commission’s IP Action Plan
IP2Innovate welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to improve the IP landscape in Europe, in particular the emphasis on ensuring that the proportionality requirement in the granting of injunctions is met. However, the IP Action Plan outlined today needs to go further to address continuing abuses of the patent system.
Fight the patent rolls: Compromise on new law divides the economy
A change to the German #patent is likely to adopted this Friday, which for the first time considers the complexity of modern products in the digital age.