Financial Times
Apple, Microsoft and BMW urge EU to stop patent trolls.
Apple, Microsoft and BMW, together with a broad group of other tech companies and carmakers, have called on the EU to take action against so-called patent trolls, who buy up patents in the hope of making a profit through licences or lawsuits.
Other press coverage
Ministerin Lambrecht will rigider gegen „Patenttrolle“ vorgehen
Die Bundesjustizministerin will das Patentrecht modernisieren – und zwar stärker als noch in einem ersten Diskussionsentwurf angekündigt.
Patrick Oliver
European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME and IP2Innovate launch a joint campaign to fight patent abuse by Patent Assertion Entities
BRUSSELS April 26th 2021 - European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME and IP2Innovate today launched a joint campaign to fight patent abuse by Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs), otherwise known as patent trolls.
Apple y Microsoft instan a la UE a plantar cara a los ‘trolls’ de patentes. [Expansion | 17.01.2020]
35 companies signed a letter urging Brussels to take action against companies that buy patents with the sole purpose to make business out of them.