
IP2Innovate statement on the European Commission’s plans to propose a new regulation governing SEP licensing

BRUSSELS, 5 April 2023 – According to news reports last week, the European Commission’s planned proposal for a Regulation on standard essential patents (SEPs) will tackle deep-rooted problems such as the lack of transparency and predictability in SEP licensing. IP2Innovate looks forward to reading the official proposal in the coming weeks.


The Commission appears to be serious about addressing some of the fault lines in Europe’s patents regime, and that is to be welcomed. The circulated proposal is a big step in the right direction. We look forward to working with the Commission and other stakeholders on any necessary changes.


IP2Innovate has been pushing for a more transparent, balanced patent system for many years. Some of the solutions we anticipate in the SEP regulation could pave the way for reforms to the broader patent regime. We hope this will be so.


For further information, please contact:

Patrick Oliver


Executive Director


Mobile: +32-477-597065


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