The UPC: time to get Europe’s house in order
"Judges at the incoming court must consider the threat posed by patent assertion entities, comments Patrick Oliver of patent owners’ coalition IP2Innovate", wites World IP Review.
Other press coverage
Breton renews calls for a single European patent system
Industry welcomed Breton’s comments on Monday, but also noted the importance of adapting a single framework for a European patent, before steaming ahead with the establishment of the UPC.
Patrick Oliver
European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME and IP2Innovate launch a joint campaign to fight patent abuse by Patent Assertion Entities
BRUSSELS April 26th 2021 - European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME and IP2Innovate today launched a joint campaign to fight patent abuse by Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs), otherwise known as patent trolls.
Financial Times
Apple, Microsoft and BMW urge EU to stop patent trolls.
Apple, Microsoft and BMW, together with a broad group of other tech companies and carmakers, have called on the EU to take action against so-called patent trolls, who buy up patents in the hope of making a profit through licences or lawsuits.