JUVE Patent blog
Patent law reform: Bundestag introduces principle of proportionality
The new patent law adopted last Friday in Germany puts a stop to the use of injunctive relief by Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs). “We also welcome the German parliament’s diligent effort in the context of the new law to explicitly proscribe the practice of Patent Assertion Entities (also known as patent trolls) who acquire patents purely for the purpose of extorting excessive settlements under the threat of an impending injunction.”, told Ludwig von Reiche, IP2Innovate's board member, JUVE Patent.
Other press coverage
Fight the patent rolls: Compromise on new law divides the economy
A change to the German #patent is likely to adopted this Friday, which for the first time considers the complexity of modern products in the digital age.
The Wall Street Journal
A Push to End Germany’s Status as ‘Paradise for Patent Trolls’
Apple and Nvidia have joined German companies advocating for legislation to make the country a less attractive destination for NPEs.
Patrick Oliver
IP2I shares feedback on the Commission’s roadmap for the IP Action Plan
IP2Innovate has responded to the request for feedback on the upcoming European Commission’s Intellectual Property Action Plan.