Ministerin Lambrecht will rigider gegen „Patenttrolle“ vorgehen
Die Bundesjustizministerin will das Patentrecht modernisieren – und zwar stärker als noch in einem ersten Diskussionsentwurf angekündigt.
Other press coverage
Patrick Oliver
Statement welcoming EP report on AI and IPR
IP2Innovate welcomes an own initiative report by the European Parliament adopted today which urges policymakers to safeguard the European patents system from abuse.
Breton renews calls for a single European patent system
Industry welcomed Breton’s comments on Monday, but also noted the importance of adapting a single framework for a European patent, before steaming ahead with the establishment of the UPC.
Patrick Oliver
Statement in response to publication of the European Commission’s IP Action Plan
IP2Innovate welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to improve the IP landscape in Europe, in particular the emphasis on ensuring that the proportionality requirement in the granting of injunctions is met. However, the IP Action Plan outlined today needs to go further to address continuing abuses of the patent system.