Tech and auto companies urge EU to crack down on patent trolls.
Tech and auto companies including Apple, BMW, Microsoft, and Samsung have urged the European Commission to take action to stop European courts from issuing automatic injunctions in favour of so-called ‘patent trolls’.
Other press coverage
JUVE Patent blog
Patent law reform: Bundestag introduces principle of proportionality
After months of deliberation, the German Bundestag has finally decided on amendments to a new federal government patent law. It will introduce a proportionality test for the right to an injunction under patent law. The decision comes just a few months before Germany elects a new parliament, and a new government.
Patrick Oliver
IP2I shares feedback on the Commission’s roadmap for the IP Action Plan
IP2Innovate has responded to the request for feedback on the upcoming European Commission’s Intellectual Property Action Plan.
Ministerin Lambrecht will rigider gegen „Patenttrolle“ vorgehen
Die Bundesjustizministerin will das Patentrecht modernisieren – und zwar stärker als noch in einem ersten Diskussionsentwurf angekündigt.