Wall Street Journal
Germany Shuts Door on Patent Trolls
Germany on Friday removed a legislative quirk that had made it a prime destination for globally active patent litigators who increasingly target fast-growing tech companies. Under the new legislation, courts examining a patent claim will conduct a proportionality check to decide whether an injunction would cause “undue hardship” to the alleged infringer or any third party. Ludwig von Reiche, IP2Innovate's board member told Wall Street Journal, that the law was an important step towards creating a better balance between patent and innovation protection. It remains to be seen how judges apply the new law, he added.
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Contrary to EU law, courts across Europe consistently fail to consider proportionality in patent cases, new data reveals
BRUSSELS, 25 November 2021 – Between 2018 and 2020, courts in nine EU member states plus the UK and Norway, handed out injunctions automatically in 98% of patent cases in which an infringement was found, according to data sourced from Darts-ip, a Clarivate IP intelligence solution.
Implementers praise German patent reforms
Implementers have welcomed reforms to Germany’s laws which weaken patent owners’ right to an injunction if successful in litigation, but their impact on case law remains to be seen.
Industriekoalition IP2Innovate fordert Patentrechtsreform zur Förderung von Innovation in Deutschland
Das Patentrecht ist ein wesentlicher Eckpfeiler für Innovation und – damit verbunden – für nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum. Es kann dieser Rolle allerdings nur gerecht werden, wenn es die Entwicklung und das Inverkehrbringen komplexer, multifunktionaler Hightech-Produkte wie Autos, Telefone und medizinische Geräte unterstützt. Dies tut das deutsche Patentrecht derzeit nicht! Hauptmangel: Unterlassungsklagen werden automatisch erlassen, ohne alternative, geeignetere Rechtsmittel zu prüfen. Diese Situation schadet der deutschen Industrie.