Fronten im Streit über neues Patentrecht brechen auf
Bei der Modernisierung des deutschen Patentrechts liefern sich Unternehmen und Branchen eine hitzige Debatte. Wird Deutschland zum „sicheren Hafen“ für Patentverletzer?
Other press coverage
Breton renews calls for a single European patent system
Industry welcomed Breton’s comments on Monday, but also noted the importance of adapting a single framework for a European patent, before steaming ahead with the establishment of the UPC.
Apple y Microsoft instan a la UE a plantar cara a los ‘trolls’ de patentes. [Expansion | 17.01.2020]
35 companies signed a letter urging Brussels to take action against companies that buy patents with the sole purpose to make business out of them.
Managing IP
UPC take-up likely to be poor, say industry counsel
In its article on whether companies are likely to make use of the Unified Patent Court (UPC), Managing IP reports that implementers see the enforcement associated with the unitary patent as more of a threat than an opportunity due to the enormous number of applicable patents and therefore likely lawsuits for their infringement and associated defense.