Fight the patent rolls: Compromise on new law divides the economy
A change to the German patent law is likely to adopted this Friday, which for the first time considers the complexity of modern products in the digital age, told Ludwig von Reiche, IP2I board member, German newspaper, Handelsblatt, referring to the upcoming Friday vote in Bundestag.
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Contrary to EU law, courts across Europe consistently fail to consider proportionality in patent cases, new data reveals
BRUSSELS, 25 November 2021 – Between 2018 and 2020, courts in nine EU member states plus the UK and Norway, handed out injunctions automatically in 98% of patent cases in which an infringement was found, according to data sourced from Darts-ip, a Clarivate IP intelligence solution.
Patrick Oliver
IP2I shares feedback on the Commission’s roadmap for the IP Action Plan
IP2Innovate has responded to the request for feedback on the upcoming European Commission’s Intellectual Property Action Plan.
Wall Street Journal
Germany Shuts Door on Patent Trolls
BERLIN—Germany on Friday removed a legislative quirk that had made it a prime destination for globally active patent litigators who increasingly target fast-growing tech companies.