Financial Times
Apple, Microsoft and BMW urge EU to stop patent trolls.
Apple, Microsoft and BMW, together with a broad group of other tech companies and carmakers, have called on the EU to take action against so-called patent trolls, who buy up patents in the hope of making a profit through licences or lawsuits.
Other press coverage
Wall Street Journal
Germany Shuts Door on Patent Trolls
BERLIN—Germany on Friday removed a legislative quirk that had made it a prime destination for globally active patent litigators who increasingly target fast-growing tech companies.
Super minister with execution issues: Lambrecht is running out of time on important projects
Shortly before the summer break, the CDU/CSU and SPD are aiming to finalise some unfinished coalition projects. One such project is reform of the German patent law.
L’Europe menacée par les «chasseurs de brevets»?
Patent trolls irritates European companies who fear that these companies will develop under new Community rules.